What to do in the first hour of a brain stroke and how to identify whether it is a stroke or not

What to do in the first hour of a brain stroke and how to identify whether it is a stroke or not

Brain stroke is a dangerous condition in which it is very important to get help quickly. If someone is having a stroke, knowing what to do in the first hour and how to identify whether it is a stroke or not can save someone’s life. Let’s know what are the symptoms of brain stroke and what should be done immediately.  Recognize the symptoms of a stroke Drooping of the face: When the person tries to smile, his face droops to one side. Arm weakness: One arm feels weak and falls…

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Use FAST to Identify Stroke lower Risk Regardless of Age

Use FAST to Identify Stroke lower Risk Regardless of Age

Stroke or brain attack occurs when blood flow to any part of our brain suddenly stops. Due to this, our brain cells do not function properly and their ability to give orders to our body parts gets disturbed. If stroke is not detected on time and treatment is delayed, it can cause very serious problems, such as non-functioning of any part of the body or even death. Therefore, an easy way called ‘FAST’ has been suggested to recognize the symptoms of stroke so that help can be sought immediately. Let…

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Stroke Risk In People Who Snore More Know What Is The Solution Of This Problem

Stroke Risk In People Who Snore More Know What Is The Solution Of This Problem

Many people have the habit of snoring while sleeping. By the way, it is common to see such effects along with aging. But a study suggests that people who snore are almost twice as likely to have a stroke as compared to quiet sleepers. Irish researchers have found that snorers have a higher risk of stroke. About 4500 elderly people were included in this study. The study looked at whether sleep problems were associated with the likelihood of suffering a stroke. According to The Sun report, Dr Christine McCarthy of…

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