Burial Or Cremation, Which Is The Better Option? Know What The Report Says

Burial Or Cremation, Which Is The Better Option?  Know What The Report Says

After being born a human being has to leave the earth. When a person leaves this earth, his body remains here. Not only in India, but in all the countries of the world, dead bodies are destroyed according to different religions. In simple words, cremation is done in Hindu religion and burial is done in Muslim and Christian religions. At the same time, in Judaism this work is done under a different process. In all religions, the last rites process is completed according to their beliefs. Now the question is…

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Hair Fall Problem Increases In Men Because Of Sugar Drinks

Hair Fall Problem Increases In Men Because Of Sugar Drinks

Study On Hair Fall: Wrinkles on the face, hair fall and graying are common problems due to our lifestyle and food habits. If we talk about hair, then everyone (man or woman) wants that their hair looks beautiful. Hair works to add charm to the personality, but do you know that drinking drinks in the daily routine causes rapid hair fall? According to a study by The Sun, drinking energy drinks daily can increase the risk of hair breakage. According to the study, drinks increase the risk of baldness in…

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