This is what diet should be like in summer, keep these things in mind, otherwise you will start looking sick from your face

Best Foods For Summer: At this time, there is an outbreak of severe heat across the country. In such heat, people fall prey to many problems like heat stroke, dehydration. In such a situation, your diet becomes very important. What you eat and what you do not eat is very important. Because it becomes necessary to eat according to the environment. When there is severe heat in many states of the country, it is very important to change the diet according to the weather. If the diet is not changed…

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tasty spicy food in summer at home then follow these recipe

In the summer season, people change their eating habits, in such a situation sometimes they feel like eating spicy food. But there are some people who are always confused about what to make that tastes delicious in summer and does not harm the body. If you are also always worried about this, then this news is for you. Now you do not need to worry, because today we will tell you about a dish that you can prepare and eat spicy food in the summer days. Let’s know about that…

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Paneer, tomato puree, cooked rice get spoiled quickly in summer? These 3 tips will help, 99 percent people do not know

Highlights As the temperature increases, everyday food starts getting spoiled quickly.With the help of these simple tips you can keep the food fresh. How To Prevent Food Spoilage In Summer: There is a lot of wastage of food items in summer. Even a little carelessness can make them smell bad or their colour turns discoloured. In such a situation, we keep them in the fridge to protect them from bacteria but even then they do not remain fresh. In such a situation, if you want to keep paneer, tomato puree…

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Jackfruit in appearance… Apple in taste, this fruit is available only in summer, sellers earn thousands in hours

Godda. In the summer season, people look for such food items which give them relief from thirst and provide energy to the body. A fruit found in Jharkhand is something like this. While it is becoming difficult for people to go out of their homes in the scorching heat, people are liking the Tadkoon fruit being sold on the roadside in different areas of the district. This fruit is known by different names in different regions. In some places it is known as Tad Gola and in some places it…

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No one could compete with this Lassi for 20 years, the taste is famous in the entire city, consumption of 100 liters of milk daily.

Ananth Kumar/Gumla. Summer has started in Jharkhand. Its effect is visible in Gumla. People have started drinking juice, yogurt, lassi, cold drinks to get relief from the heat. But, there is something different about a lassi shop in the city. Lassi available near Tiwari Store on Sisai Road is famous in the entire district. Here there is a stall in the name of Mohan Shahi Lassi. The lassi available in this cart is pure and tasty. Due to the quality here, people come from far and wide to drink Lassi…

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Health Tips: These special summer fruits will solve the problem of urine infection in women

Most women are troubled by urine infection. To get relief from this, she takes medicines. But excessive consumption of medicines is very harmful for health. If you are also troubled by urine infection, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you how you can get rid of these problems by consuming one fruit. Let us know about it. Consumption of this fruit is special Consumption of fruits is very beneficial for health.  By including these in our diet daily, we can stay away from diseases. There is…

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Journey of taste: Gond katira dissolves coolness in the body in summer, it has a treasure of qualities, history is interesting

highlights Gond Katira is hot, but putting it in water changes its effect. Consuming gond katira in the summer season protects from heat stroke, sun stroke. Swad Ka Safarnama: Gond Katira is a special type of diet. It is a natural food which increases immunity in the body. It is full of qualities. Its consumption not only provides coolness to the body, but it also communicates ‘strength’. Apart from India, it is in great demand in the surrounding countries. It is a sap obtained from trees which dries up and…

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How to make rajasthani style spice hari dhaniya chuntey try to make at home

highlights Green coriander chutney can be served in lunch or dinner. Green coriander, mint, green onions are used for chutney. Hari Dhaniya Chutney: Chutney made of green coriander and mint enhances the taste of food. Be it roti-sabzi or dal-rice, green coriander chutney enhances the taste of food. Today we will tell you how to make Rajasthani style green coriander chutney. You will like the taste of this spicy chutney. After eating it once, you will ask for it again and again. Pickles and chutney are very much liked with…

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