This juicy fruit is sold only for two months, the demand for which increases in summers, the heart becomes happy after eating this fruit.

This juicy fruit is sold only for two months, the demand for which increases in summers, the heart becomes happy after eating this fruit.

Hemant Lalwani/Pali. With the increase in heat, the demand for juicy fruits increases to a great extent. If we talk about summer these days, there is a fruit which is not only juicy but also works to provide coolness to the body. This fruit named litchi, which is sold the most in summer, is liked by people a lot and people also try to get relief from the heat by drinking its juice. This is a stone fruit whose demand increases a lot during these two to three months of…

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Watermelon Fruit: Where was watermelon first grown, how did this superfruit reach India?

Watermelon Fruit: Where was watermelon first grown, how did this superfruit reach India?

It is scorching heat all over the country including the capital Delhi. As the heat increases, people are also paying special attention to their eating habits. Most of the people are also consuming watermelon to keep the body cool during the summer season. But do you know where watermelon was first grown? If you take the name of India then it is a wrong answer. Today we will tell you where watermelon was first grown.  Watermelon in summer Most people like to eat watermelon in summer. Because watermelon contains a…

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Lack of water causes many diseases consume these five fruits daily

Lack of water causes many diseases consume these five fruits daily

As soon as summer arrives, people start lacking water in their bodies. If there is lack of water in the body then it can become a risk of many diseases. To avoid this, it is very important to drink water. But many times, due to being busy, people often forget to drink water. In such a situation, you can consume some fruits daily. Which will increase the amount of water in your body. Let us know about those fruits. consume these fruits If you are a working person, then you…

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