AC should be switched on after this much time of sitting in the car, expert told the reason

The rain in many states including the capital Delhi has given relief to the people. But there is still no relief from humidity and heat. To avoid the scorching heat, most people turn on the AC immediately after sitting in the car. But do you know how dangerous it is? Today we will tell you after how much time after sitting in the car you can turn on the AC. This will not harm you.  Car AC To avoid the heat, people are looking for AC everywhere, be it home,…

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When did black court become the dress code for lawyers? Know why black clothes make you feel hotter

There is a dress code for every profession in countries around the world. For example, there are white coats for doctors. There is a black coat for lawyers. You must have seen that lawyers always wear black coats in any court campus. But wearing a black coat in the increasing heat makes the heat even more. Recently, a petition has also been filed in the Supreme Court regarding this. But do you know when did lawyers start wearing black coats? Today we will tell you the history behind it. Black…

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Is chlorine really added to swimming pools What harm does this do to the body

It is extremely hot all over the country. To get relief from the heat, some are taking the help of AC, while others are taking the help of cold water. Some people, troubled by the heat, go to take a bath in the swimming pool. But do you know that chlorine chemical is used to clean swimming pool water. Know what are the harms caused by chlorine chemical in the body. swimming pool To get relief from the heat during summer, many people take the help of swimming pool. But…

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Sharbat: What is Sharbat called in Hindi? After all, which language is this word from?

 With the arrival of summer, the era of drinking sherbet has also started in homes. Cold sherbet provides great relief in summer. But do you know from which language the word Sharbat comes? After all, what is Sharbat called in Hindi? The word Sharbat is according to a BBC report, Sharbat is a Persian word. Let us tell you that this sherbet has come from Türkiye. Its true meaning is something worth drinking. However, some people consider it to be a word derived from the Arabic word Shariba. Which means…

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Summer Season 2023 Panchang Start And End Date Time Know Grishma Ritu Festival Vrat Puja And Importance In India

Summer Season 2023 Panchang, Date, Time and Importance in India: India is a country of different seasons. Because in most countries where there are four seasons in a year. Whereas in India there are total six seasons in a year. According to Vedic science, there are six types of seasons in India in a Samvatsara of the Hindi calendar: Summer, Rain, Sharad, Hemant, Shishir and Vasant. All seasons are of two months each. The seasons are determined according to the entry and position of the Sun in the Sayan zodiac.…

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