When the fire cannot burn without oxygen, how is the sun burning? Here is the answer

When the fire cannot burn without oxygen, how is the sun burning? Here is the answer

Fire is one of the five elements. But we all know that it is necessary to have oxygen to burn fire. The fire cannot burn if there is no oxygen. But have you ever thought how the sun in the sky without oxygen. Today we will answer you. A human life cannot be imagined without fire. But do you know that just as a person needs oxygen to stay alive, similarly the fire also needs oxygen to burn. But does this question ever come to your mind that when there…

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Kumbh rashi main shani surya budh ki yuti till 27th February what will be the impact of count and the world

Kumbh rashi main shani surya budh ki yuti till 27th February what will be the impact of count and the world

Prediction for 2025: Mercury planets have transiting from Capricorn to Aquarius. This planet will remain in this zodiac till 27 February. Like Capricorn, Aquarius is also the zodiac sign of Saturn. Due to the presence of Mercury in this zodiac, there will be chances of changing the economic situation of many people. According to Jyotishacharya and tarot card reader Neetika Sharma, director of Sri Lakshminarayan Astro Solutions Ajmer, Sun God has entered the Aquarius on February 12. Surya is also going to live in Kumbh till 14 March. In such…

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Indian Scientists Developed New Techniques for Non-Conventional Approach to Measure The Radial Dimension of CME Coronal Mass Ejections Can Help Predict Adverse Effects On Earthee Ann

Indian Scientists Developed New Techniques for Non-Conventional Approach to Measure The Radial Dimension of CME Coronal Mass Ejections Can Help Predict Adverse Effects On Earthee Ann

Indian astronomers have discovered a unique method of measuring the expansion speed of the coronal mass ejection (CM) coming out of the Sun. This technique can help make an accurate prediction of the effect of CME on the Earth’s magnetosphere (magnetic field). The Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India gave this information on Thursday (30 January). What will be the benefit of this technology? This new method developed by scientists at Indian Institute of Astronomes Physics (IIA) can also measure the expansion of solar flames with a single-point…

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How do all the planets come in a line while circling the sun, why the planet parade is unique?

How do all the planets come in a line while circling the sun, why the planet parade is unique?

You must have seen the parade on Republic Day many times. During this time, the soldiers of the army do it together on the duty, but have you ever heard of the Planet parade (planetary parade)? A wonderful astronomical event is going to happen in space just one day before Republic Day i.e. 25 January. On this day there will be a parade of planets of our solar systems. That is, all planets will appear in a queue. & Nbsp; It is being claimed that the amazing astronomical phenomenon occurs…

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How does the Sun, which appears yellow from the ground appear in space Know its true colors

How does the Sun, which appears yellow from the ground appear in space Know its true colors

The earth is full of mysteries. If someone asks you what is the color of the Sun? Most people will answer this as yellow or orange. But do you know what is the real color of the sun? Today we will tell you what is the real color of the Sun and why it appears of a different color from the ground. color of sun There are several major factors behind how the Sun looks. This includes everything from human vision to sunlight. Let us tell you that due to…

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The density of fog has increased in most of India due to cold weather read full article in hindi

The density of fog has increased in most of India due to cold weather read full article in hindi

Due to the cold weather, there is fog in most parts of India, making it difficult to get sunlight. Most of the people are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency due to less sunlight. In this article we will talk in detail about 5 symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. Which is very important for the functioning of the body. Well, this vitamin has many benefits. But the most important among these is that Vitamin D maintains calcium in the body and helps in strengthening…

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Can a solar eclipse happen artificially? How much difference will it have on the movement of the Earth and the Moon?

Can a solar eclipse happen artificially? How much difference will it have on the movement of the Earth and the Moon?

Our universe is full of mysteries. When scientists uncover a mystery, a new puzzle appears in front of them. One such puzzle of the universe is the Sun. This is that part of the universe about which very little has been discovered. The reason for this is the temperature of the sun, which turns everything to ashes. Now scientists have found a way to study the Sun and its corona. This is artificial solar eclipse.  Generally, whenever the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, we call it a…

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what will happen if a planet full of water collides with sun here is the answer

what will happen if a planet full of water collides with sun here is the answer

Planet Full Of Water Collides With Sun: The sun has been giving us light for about 4.5 billion years. If we talk about the distance of the Sun from the Earth, it is 14 crore 96 lakh kilometers. The Sun is considered a huge ball of fire. Its age is currently said to be 4.6 billion years. The sun is made up of many particles. Its center contains about 71% hydrogen, 26.5% helium, and 2.5% other elements. There are elements like hydrogen, helium, sulfur, iron, oxygen, magnesium, silicon, carbon, and…

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Stars swallow their own planets, can Earth also face such a danger?

Stars swallow their own planets, can Earth also face such a danger?

Who doesn’t like the beautiful bright and white twinkling stars in the dark sky at night? . Many people feel relaxed after seeing these before going to sleep at night, But the recent discovery about these stars is surprising. In which scientists have found some stars that have a tendency to swallow their own planets. This discovery is helping us understand the complex relationships between stars and planets in the universe, But the question arises whether the Earth can also face such a danger? Let’s find out. Why do stars…

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Why is the Moon moving away from the earth? Know the reason behind this

Why is the Moon moving away from the earth? Know the reason behind this

Space is a world full of mysteries. People from all over the world want to know about space. Today, scientists from the American space agency NASA, India’s agency ISRO and many other space agencies have reached the moon. But do you know why the moon is moving away from the Earth every year? Today we will tell you about it. Moon Today the world has reached the moon. But do you know that the moon is moving away from the earth every year? Yes, the distance between the moon and…

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