Never wore a hat, did not apply sunscreen, as a result there were wounds all over the head, even the doctor was surprised to see

Never wore a hat, did not apply sunscreen, as a result there were wounds all over the head, even the doctor was surprised to see

Summer is about to come. People have just started adopting prevention methods at home. But wait. If you go out. Be careful if you spend a lot of time in the sun. Otherwise, like this person, you will also regret. Leigh Raschau, a resident of Australia, worked outside the home most of the time. Never wore a cap or scarf. Did not apply sunscreen. As a result, there were deep wounds all over the head, seeing which even the doctors were surprised. According to the New York Post report, Leah…

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Due To These Mistakes Pimples Start Coming Out In The Summer Season This Is How To Avoid

Due To These Mistakes Pimples Start Coming Out In The Summer Season This Is How To Avoid

Acne In Summer: As soon as the summer season comes, the fear of getting pimples starts troubling you. There are many reasons behind this, but due to people not knowing the right reason, this problem increases even more. In such a situation, we are telling you the reason for having pimples and how to prevent it. This is the reason for having pimples Sweating on the face for a long timeOften, when we step out in the sun in summer, we start sweating and when sweat remains on the face…

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