Your car can be destroyed by a bottle of water, if you don’t believe it then watch the video

There is severe heat across the country. Due to the heat, people often keep water bottles in their vehicles while traveling. But do you know that keeping a water bottle in the vehicle can prove to be dangerous? Yes, keeping a plastic bottle in the vehicle can also cause a fire in your vehicle. Today we will tell you about the fire in the vehicle due to a plastic bottle and the reasons behind it. Fire from a plastic bottle The temperature has reached more than 45 degrees in many…

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Does coloring the glass of buses prevent sunlight from coming in Know the reason behind this

Everyone is taking different measures to avoid the scorching heat and strong sunlight. You too must have seen colors applied on the glass mirrors of many buses during the journey. But have you ever wondered why the glass of the bus is colored? After all, what is the reason behind this? Today we will tell you why the mirrors of buses are painted. sun rays During summer, most people are troubled by sunlight. Sun rays fall directly on the glass of vehicles, due to which the heat becomes more intense.…

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Scientist Making New Solar Panel As Fine As A Hair Will Fit On The Cloth And Generate Electricity Interesting Fact

Future of Solar Energy: In today’s modern era, technology is changing its form very fast day by day. Technology has come in every field. New and amazing inventions are happening every day. While on one hand NASA is starting Artemis mission to send humans to the moon, on the other hand China is making FAST telescope (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) to find evidence of other worlds. These new inventions are the first step to bring any kind of revolution in the world. Today also we will learn about one such…

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