Sunflower Cultivation: Sunflower is a major oilseed crop. Although it is cultivated in Rabi, Kharif, Zaid all three crop seasons, but for better yield it is advised to cultivate it in Zaid season after Rabi. Along with this, farmers are also getting good income by bee keeping. Sunflower oil is being sold in the market at a very good price. In the direction of making the country self-sufficient in the field of oilseeds, the focus is on the production of sunflower. Farmers of most of the states plant sunflower crop,β¦
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Facts About Sunflower Why Sunflower Follow The Direction Of Sun
Sunflower Fact: Everyone has heard the name of sunflower flower, as well as probably everyone must have heard the things said about it, as it remains more active in summer than in winter. The direction of this flower also keeps on changing throughout the day. It flourishes well in those areas where there is sunlight for more than 6 hours. It is said that even if there is a severe drought, even then it does not matter to the sunflower. In the end, the most important thing that is saidβ¦
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