pakistan moon mission took help of China iCUBE-Q send photos While India Chandrayaan 3 Successfully Landed without help

pakistan moon mission took help of China iCUBE-Q send photos While India Chandrayaan 3 Successfully Landed without help

Suparco: After the historic success of India’s Chandrayaan-3 last year, Pakistan has also launched its own Moon mission with the help of China. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s IQUB-Qamar has sent the first picture from the moon’s orbit. Pakistan has launched its Moon mission in collaboration with its ally China. The lunar module was designed by the Institute of Space Technology (IST) in Islamabad in collaboration with China’s Shanghai University (SJTU) and Pakistan’s national space agency Suparco. This satellite was launched from Hainan province on May 3 and successfully entered the lunar orbit…

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