Sleeping pattern can have a good or bad effect on your health read full article in hindi

Sleeping pattern can have a good or bad effect on your health read full article in hindi

If it does not come, then it goes out to call it all night and then the next morning it gets the effect. Human beings are unable to pay attention to any work. However, till 10-20 years ago, sleep was not taken so seriously, but the lifestyle changed over time and the importance of sleep increased to stay healthy in this runaway and stressful life. When we wake up, how active the brain is. But during sleep, the brain cells produce rhythmic waves that cleans the brain because the chemicals…

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PCOS rapidly increasing among women Know home remedies for PCOS by Swami Ramdev

PCOS rapidly increasing among women Know home remedies for PCOS by Swami Ramdev

The purpose of high-intensity workouts is to activate the pelvic floor so that the problems associated with it can be overcome. In fact, according to the latest alert of AIIMS and ICMR, the problem of β€˜Polycystic Ovary Syndrome’ or PCOS, like diabetes, is spreading rapidly in every household among the women of the country. For this, a trial was conducted at 10 centers of ICMR to find out the cause of PCOS in normal women aged 18 to 40 years. In which PCOS was found in more than 30%. Due…

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Swami Ramdev tips to protect yourself from cold related diseases

Swami Ramdev tips to protect yourself from cold related diseases

It is extremely cold in North India. The severe cold that has been occurring for the last four days has spoiled the health of the people. Hospitals are being crowded with patients suffering from cold, cough, fever, pneumonia and respiratory diseases. In many hospitals, the number of patients suffering from these diseases caused by cold has increased by 45 percent. The situation is such that sugar and heart patients are being advised to be especially careful. Risk of these diseases increases due to winter Cold wave is going on in…

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