How much heat can the human body bear? If the temperature reaches this level, the skin will start burning.

Due to climate change, temperatures in many areas around the world have risen so much that people are finding it difficult to bear this heat . In most areas, people are getting sick due to heatwave

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Perfume and Deodorant: Perfume and deodorant are different, so know when to use which one? What is the correct way to apply?

 It is extremely hot all over the country. As the heat increases, most people are troubled by sweat and the smell caused by sweat. Especially in summer, most people use deodorant. So that they feel fresh at home, office or anywhere outside. But do you know that perfume and deodorant are two different products. Know the basic difference between these two and which one is better for use  Perfume and deodorant Let us tell you that deodorant and perfume are the most The big difference is the perfume essence. While…

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This Part Of The Body Can Never Produce Sweat

You must have often heard people saying that this is my hard-earned money. This means that they have worked hard and sweated and earned money. Although sweating is a normal process. All living things sweat. In summer, one starts sweating after doing some hard work; after running around a little, one starts sweating. Sweating is necessary because it is a natural process to keep the body cool. But do you know that one part of the body does not sweat? Which part is that? Let us know. lips do not…

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Summer Sweating Tips These Home Remedies Will Help To Get Rid Of Sweating In Summer

Summer Sweating Tips: Summer has come in full swing. In such a situation, sweating profusely in the scorching heat and this sweat can disturb you and the people around you a lot due to its bad smell. Sweating in summer is normal but sometimes it becomes a cause of embarrassment. Often people use deodorants and perfumes to get rid of body smell, but apart from being expensive, they also harm the body in many ways. If you are also troubled by the smell of sweat, then instead of perfume, you…

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Why does the body start sweating when stress and temperature rise? Know the disadvantages of excessive sweating

Excessive Sweating: The way passing urine and stool is the nature of the human body, in the same way sweating is also a natural process, but have you ever thought that as the temperature of the weather rises or If we start getting nervous about something, then why do we get sweaty, let us tell you what is the reason behind it. Why does the body sweat As we told that sweating is a normal process and it is also necessary for our body, because it helps in controlling the…

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Why Do Some People Sweat On Their Palms And Soles Of Feet Know The Reason

Sweating In Palm: It is inevitable to sweat while exercising or doing more physical activity in the summer season. But, if you start sweating even while sitting without doing anything, then there is a need to be alert. Sweating especially in the palms and soles of the feet. This happens to millions of people all over the world. In science, this problem is called Hyperhidrosis. People are often worried about this. In such a case, there is a problem like restlessness in the victim and feeling embarrassed in the society.…

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Pet Dog First Identifies Owner Depression Know What Research Says

It is said that pet dogs are the most loyal friends of humans. However, according to new research, these friends understand your depression, stress and problems much earlier than other countries. Actually, they have a very sensitive ability to smell. This is the reason that by smelling the sweat and breath of its master, it detects its uneasiness. Today in this article, we will know that after all, what else do pet dogs understand. What does research say A research conducted by Belfast’s Queen’s University found that pet dogs can…

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Bad And Excessive Body Odor May Be Due To Diabetics, Stress And Other Health Problems Know About All

body odorEveryone sweats. People use deodorants to hide the bad smell coming from sweat. But, if your sweat smells very bad, then it can be a sign of serious health problems. It is not necessary that sweating is only due to food and poor hygiene. Sometimes excessive sweating or foul smell also comes due to problems happening inside the body. Dr. Sonali Kohli, dermatologist and venereologist at Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital told that there are two types of sweating glands in our body. an eccrine gland and an apocrine…

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