Make gram flour bundia like this on Vishwakarma Puja, it will be useful in Prasad, it will taste exactly like a confectioner, see the recipe

Make gram flour bundia like this on Vishwakarma Puja, it will be useful in Prasad, it will taste exactly like a confectioner, see the recipe

How To Make Besan Boondi At Home: On the day of Vishwakarma Puja, people worship the machines and vehicles kept in their homes with great pomp and show. To make this occasion special, you can make delicious sweets at home and distribute them among the family members. So this year, try making besan ki boondi, also known as bundiya, at home like the confectioner’s. It will not only be used as prasad in the puja, but family and friends will also love to eat it. So let’s know how you…

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