Such people should not swim even by mistake, they must know this important thing before getting into the pool

Side Effects of Swimming : Swimming is a cure for many diseases. It is one of the best exercises. It comes under cardio activities and is very effective. Problems like knee pain and obesity can be overcome by swimming. According to experts, one can keep the body healthy by swimming for only 30 to 40 minutes daily, but there are some conditions when swimming should not be done, otherwise it can cause harm instead of benefit. When should you not go swimming? 1. HypoglycemiaIf someone’s sugar level is low, then…

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Does chlorine present in swimming pool water cause problems? Bathing continuously for how many days can cause problems?

Swimming Pool Bath: Taking a bath in the swimming pool in the scorching heat has its own pleasure. It is also considered a good exercise but it also has many side effects (Swimming Pool Bath Side Effects). The body may also have to suffer many losses. Actually, chlorine is mixed in swimming pool water, which is added to clean the water. Excessive quantity can cause damage to the skin. Due to this, problems like skin infection, tanning and sunburn can occur. In such a situation, if you are also going…

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Chlorine or urine in swimming pool causes eye irritation know the truth

Swimming Pool Water: Summer season has arrived. People adopt various methods to get rid of the heat. Some people stay sitting in AC. So some people drink cold beverages. So some people go to take bath in the swimming pool. During the summer season, people often visit places like water world and swimming pool. But here, after staying in water for a long time, people feel a burning sensation in their eyes. What is the reason behind this? Chlorine or urine present in swimming pool water. Let us know the…

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How humans learned to swim for the first time history is one lakh years old

Swimming has played a major role in the story of human evolution. When humans entered water for the first time, they must have experienced a new world. But do you know when humans first came to know the world of water? Let us tell you today in this article when and how humans learned to swim. History of swimming is linked to Neanderthal humans The earliest evidence of swimming found is from about one lakh years ago. According to a report by Down to Earth, Neanderthal humans of Italy used…

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Ever wonder why swimmers are one step clean shaven?

It is common to clean shave before swimming. Shaving is very important in the world of swimming, especially before a competition, but very few people know the reason behind it. If you also do not know the real reason behind this, then let us know the reason behind it today. Why swimmers have to keep a clean shaveFor swimmers, Shaving is a part of their daily routine. Smooth and hairless skin also makes their work easier for swimmers. Swimmers do not keep hair on their body, be it legs, chest…

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Swimming gives many benefits to the body after periods stop: Research

Swimming is the best exercise. Recent UCL research has proved that most women should definitely do swimming after their periods stop. This provides physical and mental benefits. According to UCL research, women going through menopause can experience significant improvements in both physical and mental symptoms by swimming in cold water daily. According to a research published in Post Reproductive Health, 1114 women were surveyed. Out of which 785 were going through menopause. There are many benefits of swimming in cold water after periods have stopped. What does the research say?…

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Risk of heart attack is higher in winter do these three exercises

The risk of heart attack increases during winter season. Due to cold, blood vessels contract, due to which blood pressure increases. Apart from this, cholesterol level in the body also increases during winter season. Both these factors increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, chances of heart related problems like heart attack, cardiac arrest, irregular heartbeat etc. become higher in winter. According to experts, heart patients should take special care of themselves in winter. Know which exercise to do daily to keep heart healthy.. Surya NamaskarSurya Namaskar is a yoga…

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How Many Times Can A Towel Be Used Without Washing It Know When You Should Wash It

Towel Washing: Most of the people understood how important cleanliness is during the Corona epidemic. Whether it is bathing as a way of cleaning the body or washing hands, feet and mouth, we first use towels to dry the water from the body. Are. Some people wash their towels everyday. Whereas, some people once or twice a week. After all, what is the right way to wash towels and how many times should it be washed after use? Let’s know. Dirty towels contain bacteria On wiping the body with a…

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R Madhavan Son Vedaant Madhavan Wins 5 Gold 2 Silver Medals Khelo India Winter Games 2023

Vedanta Madhavan: In the Khelo India Youth Games held in Madhya Pradesh, Vedant Madhavan, son of actor R Madhavan, has got to see amazing results in the swimming competition. Vedant won a total of 7 medals, including 5 gold and 2 silver medals. Vedant was participating on behalf of Maharashtra in the Khelo India Youth Games. R Madhavan also expressed his happiness on this achievement of his son by tweeting on social media, in which he thanked Union Sports Minister Anurag Thakur and others. R Madhavan wrote in his tweet,…

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