Heart Attack Warning Signs : When a part of the heart muscle does not get enough blood, there is a risk of heart attack. The longer it is treated, the more damage the heart muscle will suffer. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is considered to be the main cause of heart attack. Health experts say that chest pain occurs just before a heart attack and if not paid attention to, it can even lead to death. However, chest pain is not always a heart attack. In such a situation, let usβ¦
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Do the signs of a heart attack appear suddenly and immediately, or do the signs appear beforehand? Know the truth
Heart Attack : Nowadays people of all ages are falling prey to heart attacks. Many times there is no time to reach the hospital. In such a situation, people feel that heart attack comes suddenly and quickly. It is impossible to avoid it. However, this is wrong, because the body starts giving some signs (Heart Attack Symptoms) three to four months before the heart attack. Many people ignore it thinking it is trivial, which can be dangerous, so one should be careful. about such thingsβMyth Vs Facts is a specialβ¦
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