The fear of heart attack keeps troubling you all the time, so be careful, this is a disease of the mind, not the heart.

The fear of heart attack keeps troubling you all the time, so be careful, this is a disease of the mind, not the heart.

Cardiophobia : Nowadays the risk of heart diseases is increasing rapidly. People have become aware and are going to the doctor when symptoms appear, but in some cases, people are seen visiting the hospital even with normal chest pain. This kind of awareness is also good, but if the test shows that your heart is completely fit, then getting worried by considering chest pain as a heart attack is not a disease of the heart but of the brain, which is called Cardiophobia. Let us know what is this disease…

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Chest pain is not a heart attack, it is also a symptom of this disease, people get cheated.

Chest pain is not a heart attack, it is also a symptom of this disease, people get cheated.

Cardiophobia: Are you often afraid of having a heart attack? Sometimes this kind of fear is normal, but if fear always haunts you then it can be Cardiophobia. There is always a fear of heart attack. Because of this the mind is not engaged in any work. In this phobia, the victim becomes very scared when his heartbeat becomes irregular and he considers even normal pain in the chest or arms as a sign of heart attack. Doctors say that there can be more than one reason for cardiophobia. For…

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