If cholesterol increases, heart attack can happen anytime, control it like this

If cholesterol increases, heart attack can happen anytime, control it like this

High Cholesterol : It is very important to take special care of the health of the heart. It is an important part of our body and works to supply blood to the entire body. In such a situation, the healthier it is, the healthier the body remains. For a healthy heart, cholesterol level in the body should be kept under control. Nowadays, due to bad lifestyle and disturbances in eating habits, it is not easy to control cholesterol level. There is a risk of heart diseases due to increased cholesterol.…

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High Cholesterol Side Effects Increases The Chances Of Heart Attack

High Cholesterol Side Effects Increases The Chances Of Heart Attack

Cholesterol Symptoms: In today’s busy life, people do not have time to exercise. Can’t find time for yoga at home, nor do any routine exercise. Due to bad schedule, diseases like hypertension, diabetes are flourishing in the body. To keep yourself fit, it is necessary to improve your lifestyle first. The problem of cholesterol is also related to lifestyle. But people always take it lightly to increase cholesterol. But its loss has to be borne seriously many times. Let’s try to know which are such habits, which become a factor…

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