these symptoms shows your are pregnant or not pregnancy ke lakshan

these symptoms shows your are pregnant or not pregnancy ke lakshan

There are many disturbances in women regarding periods. Sometimes periods come early, and sometimes they are a little late. At the same time, periods may get delayed due to stress, change in diet or any other reason. But always come on time and this time there is a delay of more than a week, then pay attention to some symptoms. These symptoms indicate pregnancy. Are hormones the cause? Being pregnant is a matter of great happiness for a woman. The first symptom of pregnancy is missing periods. Sometimes periods get…

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Couvade Syndrome: Vomiting, flatulence… a disease in which symptoms of pregnancy are seen in men

Couvade Syndrome: Vomiting, flatulence… a disease in which symptoms of pregnancy are seen in men

Pregnancy is the most beautiful feeling in this world which only women can feel. While this is not the case at all. Yes, today we give you some such information which will surprise you a lot. Men can also feel the symptoms of pregnancy completely. This is not a joke but true. You have also seen this problem in Ritesh Deshmukh in actor Ritesh Deshmukh’s film Mr. Mummy. Is it a disease? Some men take so much effect of their female partner’s pregnancy that they themselves start feeling all the…

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Pregnancy Symptoms Know 5 Unexpected Signs About Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy Symptoms Know 5 Unexpected Signs About Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy Symptoms: In most cases, pregnancy is often detected when periods are missed. Excessive vomiting and dizziness are also among its symptoms. When all these symptoms start appearing in someone, then women proceed for pregnancy test. But do you know that not only these symptoms appear during pregnancy, but there are many other symptoms which reveal that you are pregnant. We are going to tell you about some such symptoms related to pregnancy, by recognizing which you can detect your pregnancy quickly. You can make the precautions related to this…

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