ALERT! Stress may cause risk of reduced fertility, dream of becoming parents may remain unfulfilled

ALERT!  Stress may cause risk of reduced fertility, dream of becoming parents may remain unfulfilled

Stress EffectsHow dangerous stress is can be gauged from the fact that it can destroy the dream of becoming parents by reducing fertility. This can badly affect not only your physical but also your mental health. To save people from this danger, the month of April is celebrated as Stress Awareness Month (2024). Actually, the kind of busy schedule that people are following nowadays, people of all ages are seen under mental pressure, which is causing stress. In such a situation, one should focus on such things which can reduce…

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This disease does not allow weight loss, know why this happens, how to avoid it

This disease does not allow weight loss, know why this happens, how to avoid it

Weight Loss: If you want to lose weight then avoid taking stress. Yes, stress is said to be the enemy of weight loss. Experts say that when endocrine glands continuously produce stress hormones, heart pressure increases. Due to this, heartbeats become faster, blood circulation in muscles increases, problems like fear, anxiety and depression can occur. Stress hormones can completely spoil the natural processes of the body. Let us know what is the connection between stress and weight loss… Stress does not allow weight loss Chronic stress can cause diabetes and…

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