health tips how dangerous is acromegaly syndrome which the great khali is struggling with

health tips how dangerous is acromegaly syndrome which the great khali is struggling with

Acromegaly Syndrome : WWE wrestler The Great Khali is suffering from a disease for which there is no cure. He revealed this in a recent interview. Due to this disease, the size of Khali’s hands and feet had increased in his childhood itself. Because of this he has to wear shoe number 18. The name of this disease is Acromegaly. No cure for this disease has been discovered yet. Surgery or treatment is done based on its symptoms. In such a situation, let us know how dangerous this disease is……

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mental health what is alien hand syndrome know neurological disorder causes and symptoms

mental health what is alien hand syndrome know neurological disorder causes and symptoms

Alien Hand Syndrome Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) is a neurological disorder in which your hand becomes your ‘enemy’. You have no control over your own hand and it acts according to its own will. Imagine that you are resting and suddenly it feels like someone has grabbed your throat and is strangling you. As soon as you open your eyes, you see your hand doing this. Somehow you free that hand. This happens when the front part of the brain i.e. the lower part of the frontal lobe is damaged.…

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what does the world syndrome mean when you imagine the world is more criminal

what does the world syndrome mean when you imagine the world is more criminal

Mean World Syndrome: Every day, the pages of newspapers are filled with crime news. Somewhere it is murder, somewhere it is robbery and somewhere it is theft. But sometimes such crime news attracts the attention of the people which stays in their mind for a long time. Especially news like mass murder. When new revelations about these come in the media, people get interested. Experts say that watching too much true crime news in the media can be harmful for mental health. Watching or reading too much news related to…

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Vadoma Tribe: This tribe has only 2 toes, their feet look like those of an ostrich.

Vadoma Tribe: This tribe has only 2 toes, their feet look like those of an ostrich.

With the origin of humans, their body has gone through many changes. Today man has two eyes, two ears, one nose and five fingers each. But do you know that there is a tribe which has only two toes. Today we will tell you where this tribe lives.  Only 2 toes on feet Let us tell you that this tribe present in Africa has only 2 toes. I have only two fingers. Their legs are like those of an ostrich. For this reason, the people of this tribe believe that…

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What is Auto Brewery Syndrome? Alcohol starts being produced in the body on its own.

What is Auto Brewery Syndrome? Alcohol starts being produced in the body on its own.

Drinking and driving is a crime. But if you are not driving after drinking alcohol and the amount of alcohol is present in your body during checking, what does it mean? Today we will tell you in simple language how alcohol reaches your body without consuming it.   What is the matter Actually, a person was arrested in Belgium on suspicion of drunk driving. According to a report by Reuters, medical examination found that the person has a rare disease called Auto Brewery Syndrome. Alcohol starts producing automatically in the…

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