Breakfast Recipe: If you like Gujarati food, make Tandoori Dhokla, you will not forget the taste, try the recipe

Breakfast Recipe: If you like Gujarati food, make Tandoori Dhokla, you will not forget the taste, try the recipe

highlights Dhokla is very much liked in Gujarati food dish. To make Tandoori Dhokla, marination is done in curd. Tandoori Dhokla Recipe: Dhokla is very much liked in Gujarati food dish. Dhokla is also very famous as street food. If you also like Gujarati taste, then this time you can try the recipe of Tandoori Dhokla. Most of the Gujarati food dishes are tasty as well as healthy. Dhokla is also very tasty and very light in terms of digestion. Tandoori Dhokla can be served in breakfast or as a…

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