Chana saag boosts immunity improve digestion system and eye sight gram benefits swad ka safarnama

Chana saag boosts immunity improve digestion system and eye sight gram benefits swad ka safarnama

highlights The history of Chana Saag is believed to be more than 7000 years old. Gram helps in improving digestion by removing constipation. Eating gram greens also helps in improving eyesight. Swad Ka Safarnama: Some vegetables or fruits are such that they are used for food, as well as their flowers, leaves or other things are also used for food or other purposes. Gram greens are also included in these. When it is born, its raw leaves are useful for eating, spices etc. are added to it and good greens…

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Mahua health benefits increases energy fruit and flower uses as medicine swad ka safarnama

Mahua health benefits increases energy fruit and flower uses as medicine swad ka safarnama

highlights Mahua’s bark, leaves, flowers, fruits to kernels are used. Consumption of mahua stops phlegm and destroys wind. Mahua is widely used in tribal dominated areas. Swad Ka Safarnama: Mahue’s role is very important in Indian folk life and tribal tradition. Mahue tree found in India is full of all virtues. If the juice of its flower gives strength, then a delicious vegetable of the fruit can be made. The special thing is that the oil extracted from the kernels of its fruit is useful for eating, as well as…

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Travellery: The world’s raisins were first seen because of this reason, you will be surprised to know the interesting history

Travellery: The world’s raisins were first seen because of this reason, you will be surprised to know the interesting history

highlights Turkey, the United States produces 80 percent of the world’s raisins. When small grapes are dried, they are called raisins and when dried big grapes, they are called raisins. Eating more raisins produces gas in the stomach and can increase blood pressure. Swad Ka Safarnama: Raisins are one such dry fruit, which is valued all over the world. It is considered very beneficial for the body. Consumption of raisins provides immunity to fight diseases in the body. It is also considered very beneficial for the heart. Raisins are not…

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Journey of taste: Parwal is beneficial in jaundice, constipation, interesting history of this vegetable full of medicinal properties

Journey of taste: Parwal is beneficial in jaundice, constipation, interesting history of this vegetable full of medicinal properties

highlights The origin of Parwal is believed to be in India and Malay region. Parwal, which purifies the blood, calms the burning sensation of urine. Parwal vegetable vegetable increases immunity. Swad Ka Safarnama: Parwal is a different kind of vegetable. Its taste is also different. It is not very famous like other vegetables, but it is considered better in quality. In Ayurveda, along with Parwal, its leaves and root have also been considered beneficial for diseases. Juicy sweet made of parwal can win anyone’s heart. Its center of origin is…

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Journey of taste: Nutrient-rich avocado has 10 thousand years old history, you also know

Journey of taste: Nutrient-rich avocado has 10 thousand years old history, you also know

highlights Avocado contains less glucose and a lot of fat and fiber. Avocado is beneficial in arthritis along with protecting the liver from damage. Avocado being very expensive is beyond the reach of the common man. Swad Ka Safarnama: Avocado is an exotic fruit and now it is eaten in most of the countries including India. This fruit does not have any special taste, but apart from the vitamins and minerals found in it, other nutrients have made this fruit special. This fruit is of a different type. Sweetness is…

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Journey of Taste: Energy Booster Water chestnut cleanses the blood, let’s know the interesting history related to it

Journey of Taste: Energy Booster Water chestnut cleanses the blood, let’s know the interesting history related to it

highlights Nutritious flour is prepared by drying the water chestnut pulp. If you eat water chestnuts when you are hungry, then the body gets full energy. In Ayurveda, Cinghade has been called an aquatic fruit and its effect is cold. Swad Ka Safarnama: Winter is now slowly showing its charm in India. During this, water chestnut has started appearing in the vegetable market and markets. This fruit of dark green and beige color is wonderful in properties. Eat this, energy will start flowing in the body. Water chestnut also helps…

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