health tips tattoos side effects can increase blood cancer risk study

Side Effects of Tattoo : If you are fond of getting tattoos then be careful. A new study has revealed something scary. A study conducted in Sweden has found that there may be a connection between tattoos and blood cancer lymphoma. A study by researchers at Lind University, Sweden, after analyzing the Swedish National Cancer Register, has revealed that getting a tattoo can be dangerous. For 10 years from 2007 to 2017, data of people aged between 20 and 60 years were examined, who were diagnosed with lymphoma. In this…

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If you are getting a tattoo to look stylish and cool, then be careful, this hobby can give you the risk of cancer and HIV

Side Effects of Tattoo : If you are getting a tattoo to look stylish and cool, then be careful, because it can make you seriously ill. Doctors say that the ink and needle used to get a tattoo can cause not only hepatitis B and C but also HIV, liver and blood cancer. In such a situation, if you too have a passion and hobby of getting a tattoo, then be alert immediately. Know here what are the dangers from this… Why is tattooing dangerous?According to experts, tattooing is more…

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Tattoo On The Body Causes Many Fatal Diseases

Tattoo Side Effects: Sometimes hobby turns into passion. Some get wasted in this passion and some become famous all over the world. The couple from Argentina did the same thing. Both got their entire body tattooed. There was no part of the body where tattoo was not made. He has got the Guinness Book of World Records. He is in headlines in the country and the world. You must have also seen many such lovers of getting tattoos done. People get tattoos done on hands, feet and other parts of…

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