Special Tibetan tea is made for 30 thousand people at a time, special pan comes from Banaras, watch video

Special Tibetan tea is made for 30 thousand people at a time, special pan comes from Banaras, watch video

Kundan Kumar/Gaya. These days Buddhist religious leader Dalai Lama is on stay in Gaya, Bihar. Dalai Lama will stay in Bodhgaya, Gaya till 20th January. From December 29 to December 31, Dalai Lama gave teachings on world peace at Kalachakra Maidan in Bodh Gaya. In which more than 60 thousand devotees from India and abroad participated. Buddhist devotees participating in the teaching are served special Tibetan tea twice. Which is prepared from milk, salt, butter and tea leaves. Making tea for 60 thousand people is not an easy task. Therefore,…

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