This is the world’s strangest tea, somewhere tea is made from cow dung and somewhere from tomatoes

Tea lovers are found all over the world including India. Some people start their morning with tea. Be it summer or winter, tea lovers drink several cups of tea throughout the day. But today we will tell you about some such strange teas, which you would have never heard of before. Yes, this tea is completely different from the tea you drink. Know what all things these strange teas are made from. Strange Tea There is no dearth of tea lovers in India. Tea lovers go far and wide in…

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How Much Tea Is Too Much Side Effects Of Excess Tea Consumption

Tea Side Effects On Body: There are people crazy about drinking tea in the country and the world. Many people’s day is not complete without drinking tea. Caffeine and tannin are found in tea and coffee. As soon as you drink tea or coffee, you immediately feel energy due to caffeine and tannins. Gradually this tea has become an addiction. Dr. Vikas Kumar of AIIMS has shared a post on his Instagram. In this post he wrote that this post can make tea lovers sad. Because in this he has…

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Bhopal’s Handi tea is world famous, lovers come from far and wide to sip

Aditya Tiwari / Bhopal. India is the only country where tea is the second most consumed item after water. People here have been fond of drinking different types of tea since the beginning. We have often seen tea drinkers around us that they drink tea like masala tea, lemon tea and black tea daily, but today we are going to tell you about such a tea, knowing that you will also be surprised. We are talking about the famous Handi tea of ​​Bhopal. You will easily find this tea in…

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