drinking milk tea unlimited cause major harm to the body chai ke nuksaan

It is fun if the day starts with tea. There are many people whom we call tea lovers. India is a country where people’s day starts with tea. There are many people here who consume tea not only in the morning and evening but throughout the day. If you are also included among these people, then this news is for you. Let us tell you that excessive consumption of tea gives rise to serious diseases in our body. Disadvantages of Tea People become happy as soon as they hear the…

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How Much Tea Is Too Much Side Effects Of Excess Tea Consumption

Tea Side Effects On Body: There are people crazy about drinking tea in the country and the world. Many people’s day is not complete without drinking tea. Caffeine and tannin are found in tea and coffee. As soon as you drink tea or coffee, you immediately feel energy due to caffeine and tannins. Gradually this tea has become an addiction. Dr. Vikas Kumar of AIIMS has shared a post on his Instagram. In this post he wrote that this post can make tea lovers sad. Because in this he has…

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Health Tips Disadvantages Of Drinking Water After Tea

Water After Tea Side Effects: A sip of tea fills you with freshness. Many people drink several cups of tea in a day. Some people crave for tea so much that they cannot live without it even for a moment. Most people start their day with tea. The body becomes active after drinking tea. But some people have a habit that they also drink water (Water After Tea Side Effects) immediately after drinking tea. Doing so can be harmful. Why should not drink water immediately after drinking tea Elders of…

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Tea Side Effects Serious Disadvantages Of Drinking Cold Tea After Heating It

Tea Side Effects On Body: People are very fond of drinking tea in the country and the world. Many people’s eyes do not open without tea. He wants tea in the morning. Apart from this, there are many people who need tea several times a day. Drinking too much tea can do harm. This causes acidity problem. Due to caffeine, its negative effect is also seen on the brain. At the same time, there are many people who make tea. The tea gets cold when kept. Later, the same tea…

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