US MQ-9B drone Crashes in Bay of Bengal Indian Navy leased from America

US MQ-9B drone Crashes in Bay of Bengal Indian Navy leased from America

MQ-9B Drone: The MQ-9B SeaGuardian drone leased by the Indian Navy from the US fell into the Bay of Bengal on Wednesday (September 18) due to a technical fault during a surveillance mission. The drone had to make an emergency landing in the water. This incident has happened at a time when India is in talks to buy 31 MQ-9B from the US to increase the strength of the army. According to the Hindustan Times report, the Indian Navy currently has Predator B drones, which have been made by the…

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Does the pilot get any punishment after a fighter plane worth crores crashes Know rules

Does the pilot get any punishment after a fighter plane worth crores crashes Know rules

Many times fighter planes made at the cost of crores crash, You must have often seen news of fighter plane crashes on TV or in newspapers., In such a situation, has this question ever come to your mind that who gets punished for the crash of these fighter planes made at the cost of crores?, Is the pilot of that fighter plane held responsible for such an incident and does he get punished?, Let us know today, Fighter Plane Crash Of Reason There can be many reasons for fighter plane…

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Air Force fighter jet accidentally released air store know what it is and how dangerous it is

Air Force fighter jet accidentally released air store know what it is and how dangerous it is

Indian Air Force (IAF) a fighter aircraft from on Wednesday due to a technical fault, the ,Air Store’ left.IAF confirmed the incident in a social media post on X and assured the public that the incident was a safe one.,No damage to goods has been reported, The incident occurred when a routine operation was going on and the air store was inadvertently released, The Indian Air Force said that an investigation has been ordered in this matter, In such a situation, the question arises that what is this air store…

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