Did refrigerator and electricity come first in the world or ice cream, when did this era begin?

Did refrigerator and electricity come first in the world or ice cream, when did this era begin?

Today the world has come a long way. If you compare the situation of last one decade ago and today, then we have advanced a lot in terms of technology. But have you ever wondered what came first in this world like fridge, electricity and ice cream? Today we will tell you what came first in the world and when it started.  World of Technology Today’s world is full of technologies. It’s a full world. The biggest example of this is the phone. Whereas just 10 years ago only 2…

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How are tunnels made in the mountains what technologies are used

How are tunnels made in the mountains what technologies are used

During a long journey in the mountains by train and car, you must have completed your journey through many long and short tunnels. But have you ever wondered how tunnels are made in the mountains? Today we will tell you through which techniques tunnels are made by cutting the mountains. Tunnel Let me tell you that the PM Narendra Modi On the occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas, the first blast of the Shinkun La tunnel project was carried out. Under this project, the world’s highest tunnel will be built here…

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Reflector: This special thing is fitted in the reflector, so the light is visible from a distance even in low light

Reflector: This special thing is fitted in the reflector, so the light is visible from a distance even in low light

During your journey, you must have seen reflectors installed on the side of the highway. Due to these reflectors, it is easy for the driver to drive on the roads at night. Due to the distance of the road being visible, the possibility of road accidents is reduced due to these lights. But do you know what is installed in these reflectors, which makes their light visible even from a distance. Today we will tell you why the reflector shines.  Reflector Light There is darkness on the roads at night.…

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Why do some watches make ticking sound? Know the science behind it

Why do some watches make ticking sound? Know the science behind it

Many people are fond of wearing watches. But more than a hobby, watches are an integral part of our lives. Because watches tell time and without time our lives will stop. But do you know why there is a ticking sound in both wrist and wall clocks? Today we will tell you what is the reason behind this. Watch Nowadays, most people like to wear smart watches and also put smart watches on the wall at home. But still, there are watches in almost every house which make a ticking…

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This special pillar is installed in the temple of Abu Dhabi, it took workers a year to build it

This special pillar is installed in the temple of Abu Dhabi, it took workers a year to build it

  The first Hindu temple has been inaugurated in Abu Dhabi. Let us tell you that this temple has been built in such a way that it will stand for about 1000 thousand years. In fact, when the construction organization of the temple had presented the plan to the UAE authority, the biggest question at that time was how such a tall structure could survive without steel and iron. At that time the organization had replied that all the ancient temples of India were built like this and have been…

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Why Is The Freezer Always At The Top Of The Fridge Know The Science Behind This

Why Is The Freezer Always At The Top Of The Fridge Know The Science Behind This

Freezer In Fridge: Refrigerator is one of the kitchen appliances. In summer, it is used to keep food items from spoiling and to cool things down. Nowadays, fridge will be seen in almost everyone’s house. According to the requirements, companies make fridges of different capacities. You must have seen in most of the refrigerators used in the house that the freezer is on the top. But have you ever thought why this happens? Why is the freezer not placed at the bottom of the fridge? Some people think that the…

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