
Did refrigerator and electricity come first in the world or ice cream, when did this era begin?

Today the world has come a long way. If you compare the situation of last…

How are tunnels made in the mountains what technologies are used

During a long journey in the mountains by train and car, you must have completed…

Reflector: This special thing is fitted in the reflector, so the light is visible from a distance even in low light

During your journey, you must have seen reflectors installed on the side of the highway.…

Why do some watches make ticking sound? Know the science behind it

Many people are fond of wearing watches. But more than a hobby, watches are an…

This special pillar is installed in the temple of Abu Dhabi, it took workers a year to build it

  The first Hindu temple has been inaugurated in Abu Dhabi. Let us tell you…

Why Is The Freezer Always At The Top Of The Fridge Know The Science Behind This

Freezer In Fridge: Refrigerator is one of the kitchen appliances. In summer, it is used…