What to do After Telegram Account Hacked: Although the social media platform is quite popular for its privacy, news of Telegram being hacked keeps coming up many times. Cybercriminals have started making innocent people their victims through this platform. Recently ESET researchers have revealed that hackers can send dangerous files to you through the app. These files look like videos. In such a situation, a question must be coming to your mind that how can you protect yourself from such hacking. We are going to tell you about those signsβ¦
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Telegram Users Big Alert Do not Allow Hackers open any file on group or private chat cyber fraud
Big Alert for Telegram Users: If you also use the messaging platform Telegram app, then you need to be careful. Actually, a big flaw has been discovered in this app due to which hackers can send dangerous files to you. These files look like videos, but in reality it is malware which can prove to be very dangerous for you. ESET researchers have made a big disclosure regarding this, in which it has been said that users should immediately take some necessary steps and update the app. Downloading this fileβ¦
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