Many questions have been raised regarding security on Telegram, the cloud-based platform that competes with WhatsApp. Telegram users are facing the problem of cyber fraud these days. Actually, a link is being sent to them to become a friend, after clicking on which, the complete access of their phone goes to the scammers and then the scammers break into the bank account. How is scam happening on Telegram? You will receive messages on different numbers on Telegram. In this you will be offered to become a friend. Also, a link…
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Telegram Fraud Alert Cyber iPhone 8 Thousand Rupees Offers Be Aware of Scams Social Media Platform
Telegram Fraud Update: Currently, a big scam is going on on Telegram, in which the price of iPhone is being quoted as only Rs 8,000. Not only this, claims are being made to sell Google Pixel and other quality phones for Rs 4 to 5 thousand. But these claims are absolutely wrong. Regarding this, Cyber Dost has issued a post on its Twitter handle, in which it has been said that the carding scheme on Telegram is attracting people. But protect yourself from this, because you can get trapped in…
Read MoreWhatsapp Scam People Were Asked To Like Videos To Get Payment A New Way Of Cheating People Data
WhatsApp Scam: There are more than 2 billion WhatsApp users worldwide. There must be three to four people running WhatsApp in all of your homes. Just as the smartphone is an important part of our life today, similarly the WhatsApp app inside it has also become a part of our life. Today people are connected to each other only through WhatsApp. If you are a WhatsApp user then definitely read this article till the end and after reading forward it to another person. Actually, a new scam has started on…
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