In Mithi City Of Pakistan Lives Hindus More Than Muslims Muslims Do Not Slaughter Cows And Hindus Keep Fast Know Here

In Mithi City Of Pakistan Lives Hindus More Than Muslims Muslims Do Not Slaughter Cows And Hindus Keep Fast Know Here

Hindu Village in Pakistan: The atrocities on minorities in Pakistan are not hidden from anyone. Often there are reports of atrocities on Hindus and breaking of temples. Targeting and vandalizing Hindu temples is not a new thing here. You can guess this from the fact that at the time of independence, a total of 408 temples had come in the part of Pakistan, but in today’s time only temples are left there. In such a situation, if we tell about a city in Pakistan that here Hindus and Muslims live…

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Do you know how many temples were there in Pakistan at the time of independence and how many are there now?

Do you know how many temples were there in Pakistan at the time of independence and how many are there now?

Hindu Temples in Pakistan: Targeting and vandalizing temples in Pakistan is not a new thing. In Canada also, the news of the temple being demolished about 3 to 4 times this year has come to the fore. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that temples are being targeted all over the world. There are many such cases in our country as well. But, if such news comes out from Pakistan, then it will not be surprising there. At the time of independence, many temples had…

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