property rules when does the tenant take possession of the property know these rules

property rules when does the tenant take possession of the property know these rules

Rules For Tenants: Often when people have more property, that is, more than one house, they rent out one of them. This gives them a fixed income every month. But before renting out the house, you should keep some things in mind. Otherwise, you can get into trouble. First of all, when the house is given on rent, it is necessary to get a rent agreement made. This is useful in any legal dispute. And you also have to keep in mind for how long you are renting the house…

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house renting tips before renting a house do complete these three things will save you from trouble

house renting tips before renting a house do complete these three things will save you from trouble

House Renting Tips: Often people have to go to other cities away from their homes for better job prospects in the future. People have to live in rented houses after going to other cities. Finding a rented house is not easy. And finding a good house is even more difficult. That is why people take houses on rent in other cities after a lot of care. Good location, good locality and affordable rent are the things that people keep in mind while looking for a house. But when people finalize…

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Legal rights of Landlord after rent home or flat to tenant

Legal rights of Landlord after rent home or flat to tenant

Landlord Rights: While taking a house on rent, you keep many things in mind. In this it is seen what facilities you are getting in the house and how the landlord is. Many times disputes are seen between the landlord and the tenant, these disputes escalate so much that they reach the court and then finally a decision is taken. There is a lot of talk about the rights of the tenant, but today we are going to tell you some rights of the landlord. Rent agreement is madeIn India,…

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Rent Agreement Rules Know Why It Is For 11 Months Only

Rent Agreement Rules Know Why It Is For 11 Months Only

Rent Agreement Rules: Whenever you take a house on rent, there is a rent agreement for 11 months with its owner. It is renewed again in the 12th month. Have you ever wondered why the rent agreement is only for 11 months? Why not a year or more? What is the value of this agreement made on 100 or 200 stamp? What is Rent Agreement? Under Section-17 (D) of the Indian Registration Act, 1908, a rent agreement or lease agreement is made for a rented house for a period of…

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