When is an attack called a terrorist attack and how is it decided?

When is an attack called a terrorist attack and how is it decided?

Every day different types of attacks keep happening at some place or the other. Like recently, a 16 year old attacker attacked a priest with a knife in a church in Australia and killed him. Before this incident, 6 people had died in a stabbing incident in Sydney also. Many such attacks keep happening in our country also. In such a situation, have you ever wondered how to identify which is a terrorist attack in such attacks? Let us know. How is it decided whether an incident is a terrorist…

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What is NIA and how does it work know everything

What is NIA and how does it work know everything

National Investigation Agency (NIA) is a central agency established by the Government of India to counter terrorism in India. Which was formed under the NIA Act, 2008. This agency was established as the central agency to counter terrorism after the Mumbai terrorist attacks in 2008. Let us tell you that 649 employees work in the National Investigation Agency and this agency comes under the Home Ministry. What are the powers of NIA?Talking about the powers of NIA, it can investigate human trafficking, crimes related to fake currency or bank notes,…

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