Ranbir Kapoor New Car: Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor is always in the news for his acting and looks. The actor’s superhit film Animal, released some time ago, was a huge hit at the box office. This film was made by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Whenever a new film is released on the big screen, its earnings and story are compared with Ranbir’s film. Currently Ranbir is in the headlines for his new car. Now the video of the actor’s new car is going viral. Ranbir Kapoor bought a new car In…
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The Great Indian Kapil Show Alia Bhatt not joined Kapil Sharma Netflix Show with Ranbir Kapoor And Neetu Singh Know the reason
Alia Bhatt On The Great Indian Kapil Show: Comedian-actor Kapil Sharma’s new comedy show ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ premiered on Netflix on Saturday, March 30. In its first episode, ‘Animal’ actor Ranbir Kapoor was seen with his mother and veteran actress Neetu Kapoor and sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. However, the absence of Kapoor family’s daughter-in-law and actress Alia Bhatt in the show was quite saddening to the audience. Now the reason for Alia not attending the first episode of ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ with her husband Ranbir and…
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