Journey of taste: Curry leaves are full of properties that enhance the taste of food, sugar also controls

Journey of taste: Curry leaves are full of properties that enhance the taste of food, sugar also controls

highlights The origin of curry leaves is believed to be in Sri Lanka apart from India. Curry leaves help in increasing the functionality of the liver. Curry leaves contain minerals like iron, zinc and vanadium. Swad Ka Safarnama: Curry leaves are considered very important in Indian cuisine, especially in South Indian cuisine. It not only adds flavor to the food, but also produces a special kind of smell. Curry leaves are very light, but they are considered very heavy in properties. Curry leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals. It…

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Journey of taste: Kashmiri red chili strengthens the immune system, dark color but less pungency, its history is interesting

Journey of taste: Kashmiri red chili strengthens the immune system, dark color but less pungency, its history is interesting

highlights About 400 varieties of chili are grown all over the world. America’s Carolina Reaper chili is the hottest chili in the world. Kashmiri red chillies are rich in Vitamin C. Swad Ka Safarnama: Indian people eat a lot of spicy food in food and for this they use a lot of red-green chillies, black pepper, hot spices etc. The surprising thing is that the ‘arrival’ of red chillies in India happened only a few hundred years ago. Despite this, the country has taken a lot of ‘redness’ in the…

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Safarnama of taste: Dry ginger market was opened in Agra during Mughal period, interesting history of this spice beneficial for health

Safarnama of taste: Dry ginger market was opened in Agra during Mughal period, interesting history of this spice beneficial for health

highlights The powder prepared by drying and grinding ginger is The history of the origin of ginger is about 5000 years old. Dry ginger is used more in Badi producing vegetables. Swad Ka Safarnama: Even if dry ginger is not the main ingredient in the spice box of Indian kitchen, its pudiya or small box will definitely be seen in some corner of the kitchen. It is a special spice that adds flavor to food and also makes tea delicious because it is used as a component of tea spice.…

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Journey of taste: From kidney stone to heart diseases, black cardamom is beneficial, know interesting history

Journey of taste: From kidney stone to heart diseases, black cardamom is beneficial, know interesting history

highlights Big cardamom is used as a spice. Black or big cardamom has been considered special in Ayurveda. Black cardamom is beneficial for stomach diseases. Swad Ka Safarnama: Black cardamom is also a wonderful spice. In appearance, it looks very rough and awkward, but it is a mine of qualities. It adds flavor to the food and keeps the body away from many diseases. It is considered a ‘panacea’ for the stomach. It is beneficial in any kind of stomach disorder. The special properties found in it take great care…

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Journey of taste: Cabbage is used from vegetable to salad, it is very beneficial in eyes, bones, BP

Journey of taste: Cabbage is used from vegetable to salad, it is very beneficial in eyes, bones, BP

highlights Vitamin A and Vitamin A (beta-carotene) are also found in cabbage. Along with keeping mental health healthy, cabbage also increases concentration. Cabbage vegetable in India is also eaten raw or in the form of salad. Swad Ka Safarnama: Cabbage has got its due respect in the Indian kitchen. The reason is that not only can it be eaten as a vegetable, it is also used a lot in the form of salad. It has been said to be very beneficial for the body. Due to its consumption, the digestive…

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Journey of taste: Portuguese sailors brought cashew tree to India, interesting history is associated with this dry fruit

Journey of taste: Portuguese sailors brought cashew tree to India, interesting history is associated with this dry fruit

highlights The wood of the cashew tree is used to make furniture. Cashew consumption can also control blood sugar. If cashew is eaten in excess, it also increases the weight. Swad Ka Safarnama: Among all the dry fruits found in the world, the taste of cashew is priceless. It is full of properties and it is believed that its consumption reduces the bad cholesterol present in the body. Eating cashew also keeps the brain healthy. Its use also keeps the skin shiny. Cashew is a foreign nut, but the soil…

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Swaad Ka Safarnama: The exotic fruit Dragon Fruit is full of qualities, PM Narendra Modi has also praised it

Swaad Ka Safarnama: The exotic fruit Dragon Fruit is full of qualities, PM Narendra Modi has also praised it

highlights Dragon fruit is used in making salads, jams, jellies and shakes. This exotic fruit has all the qualities to keep the body healthy and fit. The cultivation of dragon fruit started in India 30 years ago. Swad Ka Safarnama: One benefit of globalization has also been that India is getting to eat new and different types of fruits. These include avocado, kiwi etc. Dragon fruit has also been included in these. This exotic fruit has all the qualities to keep the body healthy and fit. The special thing is…

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Journey of taste: Mustard greens keep the heart healthy along with making the bones strong, being used for thousands of years

Journey of taste: Mustard greens keep the heart healthy along with making the bones strong, being used for thousands of years

highlights Along with mustard greens, oil is extracted from its seeds. Mustard greens are also helpful in keeping the eyesight better. Mustard originated thousands of years ago in India and surrounding areas. Swad Ka Safarnama: As soon as winter sets in, it becomes twelve to twelve in eating and drinking. Whatever you eat or drink, digest everything. If one gets food made of maize bread-mustard greens and a piece of butter on top of it in the afternoon in the winter season, then it gives the joy of heaven. By…

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Swaad Ka Safarnama: The name of ‘Sitaphal’ is associated with the Ramayana period, you will be surprised to know interesting facts about Sharifa

Swaad Ka Safarnama: The name of ‘Sitaphal’ is associated with the Ramayana period, you will be surprised to know interesting facts about Sharifa

highlights Sitaphal has been engraved in the caves of Ajanta. Sitaphal is also associated with the Ramayana period. Sharif is seen in the market in the winter season. Swad Ka Safarnama: As rough and strange as Sharifa fruit is in appearance, it is as tasty and full of qualities in eating. This is such a fruit, whose sweetness is of some ‘different type’ and it cannot be described. But food experts consider it a special fruit. Ayurvedacharya is also a fan of this fruit. It is an exotic fruit, but…

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Journey of taste: Peppermint protects against allergies by improving digestion, know interesting things related to it

Journey of taste: Peppermint protects against allergies by improving digestion, know interesting things related to it

highlights One of the specialties of mint is that its fragrance makes the mood positive. Mint does not have side effects and it cannot be eaten too much. Swad Ka Safarnama: Hardly any Indian would be unaware of mint chutney. Mint not only cures the digestive system of the body, but also protects it from allergies. Its wonderful smell has a positive effect on a person’s mood. This is such a plant, which can be easily planted at home as well. Its history is thousands of years old. The special…

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