this person wears the world’s most expensive shirt will buy many houses for this price

this person wears the world’s most expensive shirt will buy many houses for this price

You must be fond of wearing branded and expensive clothes? But have you ever wondered which is the most expensive shirt in the world? Today we are going to tell you about a person about whom it is claimed that this person wears the most expensive shirt in the world and its price is so high that many houses can be bought. The name of this person is Pankaj Parekh. He is also known as ‘The Man with the Golden Shirt’. Pankaj’s shirt alone is enough to buy many houses.…

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This cow sold for 40 crores, has deep connection with India, you will be stunned to know its qualities

This cow sold for 40 crores, has deep connection with India, you will be stunned to know its qualities

If someone asks you how much will the most expensive cow cost? So maybe you will say 5 lakh or 10 lakh. But you will be surprised to know that a cow has been sold for Rs 40 crore. Yes, Rs 40 crore. Not only this, it has a deep connection with India. You will also be surprised to know its features. This is a new record in the world of animal auction. This cow is from Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. It is known as Viatina-19 FIV Mara Imovis. During an…

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