‘I met God…’ The pastor is selling land in heaven, that too so cheaply, there is a queue to buy it!

You must have heard many things about heaven and hell many times in your life. While the worst things are imagined in hell, heaven is said to be beautiful and peaceful. However, till now no one would have told that plotting takes place in heaven too, land is sold and houses are built! Nowadays, one such case is in the headlines, which has blown people’s minds. When you see a beautiful place, you say that it is ‘heaven’. Imagine if you are given a chance to live in heaven? Hey,…

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You can get a 4 bedroom house with garage and garden for Rs 105, buyer will also get a reward of Rs 7 lakh!

If someone tells you that a house is being sold for just hundreds, then it is not possible to believe such a thing in this era. However, we are going to tell you about one such house, whose price has not been fixed even at Rs 200. It is a different matter that the house is quite big and with it, a lot of space and valuable items are also being given for free. People spend their entire life earning money to build a luxurious house. At the same time,…

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‘Look into my eyes sir…’ woman MP said, Speaker said – ‘I can’t see’, Pakistan’s video goes viral

India and Pakistan are neighbouring countries, but there is a lot of difference in the working system of both the countries. Even the politics of both is very different. At this time in the Indian Parliament, where the opposition is attacking the government on many issues and this is making headlines, there is a different atmosphere in Pakistan. At this time a video of the Pakistani Parliament is going viral, where leaving the issues aside, a romantic atmosphere is visible. Parliament proceedings have begun in India, while Parliament is also…

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Every 20 hours a rhino is killed here, a big step has been taken to stop this, now smugglers will die as soon as they touch the horn!

Humans can stoop to any level to satisfy their greed. This is the reason why they have been killing mute animals for years just for their own benefit. There are many countries where wild animals are killed almost every day for their skin, bones, horns or teeth. Take the case of rhinos. Smuggling of their horns is not a new thing. For years, hundreds of rhinos have been killed just for their horns (radioactive substance injected in rhino horns). But now scientists in South Africa have taken a big step…

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Cars worth crores are kept chained like cows and buffaloes, people in London are adopting indigenous Jugaad, why?

People do everything to protect their vehicles. They build garages in their homes, install CCTV cameras. Many people even appoint guards to take care of their vehicles and homes. But have you ever seen someone keeping their cars chained like cows and buffaloes? You may have seen this sight somewhere in India, but these days in London (London car owners chain cars to trees), people are seen chaining their cars worth crores. Think why they would be adopting this Desi Jugaad? Let us tell you. According to the report of…

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Why is ‘C/F’ and ‘W/L’ written on the side of the railway track, what does it mean? You probably don’t know!

Travelling by train is a different kind of fun. You get a chance to meet new people, see the beauty of the country and also gain a unique kind of knowledge. An interesting fact related to the train is not inside the train, but outside, next to the tracks. During the journey, your attention must have gone to the boards next to the railway track (What is the meaning of W/L board), on which ‘W/L’ or ‘C/F’ is written. Do you know what it means? Hardly people will have the…

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The dreaded criminal, who has been in jail for 50 years, imprisoned behind 17 steel doors, after knowing his crime you will understand ‘Messiah’!

There are many criminals in the world who have been in jail for a long time and when people come to know about their crimes, everyone is shocked. But today we are going to tell you about a criminal who has been in jail for 50 years (Britain’s longest serving prisoner in solitary confinement). He has been imprisoned behind 17 steel doors because he is very dangerous. But when people hear about his crime, they get confused… because they cannot decide whether this person is actually a criminal or a…

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Couple got a job, left their rented house and made the bus their home, it has facilities from kitchen to toilet!

In this era of inflation, it has become very expensive for anyone to live in a rented house, forget about buying your own house! This is the reason why today, from abroad to our country, people want to live a simple life and are adopting minimalism. A couple from Canada (Canada couple live in school bus) has also adopted this formula and they now live in a bus. However, living in a bus is also challenging. This couple recently told how good it is to live in a bus and…

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Why are most of the signboards on highways green in colour? You will hardly know the correct answer! Know the reason

If you have ever traveled on a highway, then you must have noticed one thing. The color of the sign boards on the side of the road or above the road is green. Information is written on it in white color. This information is either related to road safety, or about the distance of a city. Have you ever wondered why the sign boards of the highway are mostly green? By the way, in India itself, you will also see blue sign boards at many places. There are green signboards…

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Age 571 years, these are the world’s oldest sisters, survived from World War to Covid! Made a record

Every person wants that he or his relatives live a long life, stay healthy and stay together. But not everyone’s wish gets fulfilled! However, this wish of 6 sisters living in America has been fulfilled. These 6 sisters are the oldest siblings in the world and if the age of all of them is added together, it becomes more than 5 centuries. They have seen and faced many big events in life, including the Second World War and the Covid pandemic. These sisters also had a brother, who was older…

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