‘Don’t forget to praise your wife’, the man made this mistake, the punishment he got was so horrific, no one can even imagine!

Many times such incidents come to light in the world that you cannot believe it could have happened. Especially when this incident is related to a human relationship. The relationship of husband and wife is considered very important for each other. It is based on the foundation of trust but what happens if someone breaks this trust? Small fights happen between husband and wife but hardly any partner would want to kill the other as a punishment for this. However, a woman gave a horrific punishment to her husband just…

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A man had shifted to a new house, he saw a ‘mysterious’ door in front of him, such a secret was hidden inside, he fainted from shock as soon as he opened it!

When we shift to a new place, the first thing we do is to look at every corner of the place and estimate how to use which space. Everyone wants to decorate it in their own way. A person also shifted to a new house with the same thinking. However, he had no idea that a different mystery was waiting for him here. The newly shifted person had to find out where he could keep his extra stuff. However, his eyes fell on a door which he fainted in shock…

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A woman bought a second-hand jacket for 100 rupees, brought it home and checked the pockets, she was shocked, know what she found inside!

There are many people who are fond of buying new and expensive things, while some people want to save money at any cost. They do not even hesitate in buying clothes worn by others. Although this saves their money, but if they are lucky, then old clothes also give them something that becomes memorable. According to the Daily Star report, a woman named Kay Walker had a habit of buying second-hand things to save money. Once she bought a coat very cheaply but she was shocked to see what she…

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4500 years old ‘city of the dead’ has been discovered, there are more than 300 corpses here, you will be shocked to see the condition!

There are many things in human history that disappear with time. Then sometimes when these layers peel off, many shocking truths come to the fore. A similar truth came from an area of ​​Egypt, when a city of the dead was discovered. More than 300 tombs have been found in this city, which are spread over an area of ​​more than 2 lakh 70 thousand feet. When archaeologists saw this, they too were stunned. The name of this city is Aswan. Since there are only dead bodies lying here, archaeologists…

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A millionaire set his bungalow worth Rs 9.5 crore on fire in full consciousness, you will be shocked to know the reason!

You will find different types of people in this world. Some have a big heart and solve things very easily, while some lose their temper over small things. This nature has nothing to do with being rich or poor or educated or uneducated. Otherwise, just think, will a person who builds a bungalow worth crores on his own ever burn it down with his own hands? A famous and millionaire person living in Britain set his own bungalow on fire. You will be shocked to know the reason behind this…

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‘I met God…’ The pastor is selling land in heaven, that too so cheaply, there is a queue to buy it!

You must have heard many things about heaven and hell many times in your life. While the worst things are imagined in hell, heaven is said to be beautiful and peaceful. However, till now no one would have told that plotting takes place in heaven too, land is sold and houses are built! Nowadays, one such case is in the headlines, which has blown people’s minds. When you see a beautiful place, you say that it is ‘heaven’. Imagine if you are given a chance to live in heaven? Hey,…

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You can get a 4 bedroom house with garage and garden for Rs 105, buyer will also get a reward of Rs 7 lakh!

If someone tells you that a house is being sold for just hundreds, then it is not possible to believe such a thing in this era. However, we are going to tell you about one such house, whose price has not been fixed even at Rs 200. It is a different matter that the house is quite big and with it, a lot of space and valuable items are also being given for free. People spend their entire life earning money to build a luxurious house. At the same time,…

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‘Look into my eyes sir…’ woman MP said, Speaker said – ‘I can’t see’, Pakistan’s video goes viral

India and Pakistan are neighbouring countries, but there is a lot of difference in the working system of both the countries. Even the politics of both is very different. At this time in the Indian Parliament, where the opposition is attacking the government on many issues and this is making headlines, there is a different atmosphere in Pakistan. At this time a video of the Pakistani Parliament is going viral, where leaving the issues aside, a romantic atmosphere is visible. Parliament proceedings have begun in India, while Parliament is also…

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Good news for snorers, they will get 78 thousand rupees every month, no tax will be levied on it!

Can snoring bring money for someone? Yes, you might find it strange to hear this, but there is a place where if you have a snoring problem, you can get Rs 78,000 every month. This facility is being given by the UK’s Department of Work and Patient (DWP) to those people who have a serious snoring problem. The interesting thing is that working people can also avail this and it is absolutely tax free. Snoring is often ignored as a minor nuisance. It can sometimes develop into a more serious…

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Wow, what riches! An airplane travels for 2 minutes, the ticket costs thousands of rupees, the journey ends as soon as it begins…

Due to science and progress, such things are happening in our lives that people would not have even imagined earlier. For example, flying in the sky was once a fantasy, but today flying in an airplane is no longer a big deal. People take flights to cover the distance that people used to cover by rickshaw or on foot. Today we are going to talk about the world’s shortest air travel. Usually, airplane travel is done for long distances. However, the flight we are going to tell you about today…

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