the news is broken

A luxurious 7 bedroom house is being sold at the price of a 3BHK flat, it is built on a beautiful island, but there is a catch!

Everyone has their own imagination and preference regarding their home. Some want to live in…

She had ordered an air fryer, when the packet reached home, the woman was shocked as soon as she opened it, she became drenched in sweat…

The most convenient thing in today's era is online shopping and fast delivery system. If…

Sharks were found roaming in the sea drunk, when the scientist discovered it, people were surprised to know the reason!

When we talk about addiction, it seems that we are talking about humans. Sometimes we…

A strange smell used to come in the kitchen of the house, the woman got worried, then two eyes were seen peeping, then…

It may have happened to you that you see something strange in a corner of…

The girl died while eating, millions of people saw her death live! Her weight had increased to 300 kg, she used to eat 10 kg of food at a time…

Everyone sets his life according to himself. According to his education and talent, he chooses…

This man had 79 wives, used to pretend to talk to God, now he is spending his life in jail!

A unique story of exploitation by becoming a religious leader is of a man who…

Newborns recognize people’s faces in different ways, take help from their mother’s smell, research reveals!

It is true that newborn babies take time to understand their surroundings. But in everyday…