The taste of this Litti Chokha has not changed for 20 years, people eat 500 pieces within minutes; Price only Rs 8

The taste of this Litti Chokha has not changed for 20 years, people eat 500 pieces within minutes;  Price only Rs 8

Kailash Kumar/Bokaro. Today, Litti Chokha is eaten with great enthusiasm in all areas of the country, because Litti is delicious as well as full of nutrition. Along with providing energy to the body, it also quenches hunger, hence people of all classes like to eat it. In such a situation, if you want to enjoy spicy chokha and chutney with delicious hot litti dipped in ghee, then Shankar Litti stall located on Chas Main Road, Bokaro is especially famous for its ghee litti. Where people come from far and wide…

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