Is Urine Good For Health And It Cure So Many Diseases In Health

Is Urine Good For Health And It Cure So Many Diseases In Health

Many times doctors advise that drinking juice will make you feel better or drinking fruit juice gives energy. But, now it is also being said that drinking urine also keeps health good. Yes, there are many such reports on the internet, which advocate that drinking urine is beneficial for health. It is claimed that urine gets rid of diseases ranging from skin related diseases to constipation. However, many people believe that there is no scientific evidence behind this and doing so can cause more harm to health. So know what…

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Listening To Music While Sleeping Is Not Good For Health Know Why A Good Sleep Pattern Helps You To Live Fit And Healthy

Listening To Music While Sleeping Is Not Good For Health Know Why A Good Sleep Pattern Helps You To Live Fit And Healthy

Music While SleepingEveryone likes to listen to music and it has many benefits too. At present, efforts are also being made to provide alternative treatment to the patients through music therapy. Many people like to listen to soft music before sleeping. For some people, this becomes a habit only after which they are able to sleep well. Know how safe is the habit of listening to songs while sleeping. It has been revealed in many studies that listening to music with earphones is harmful for the body. It may not…

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