What does science say about time travel, a professor claimed the golden age

What does science say about time travel, a professor claimed the golden age

Time travel is a theory that is almost impossible to believe. However, even after this, many such stories come from around the world, in which time travel is mentioned. The biggest thing is that the people who talk about time travel are not illiterate or foolish people. Rather, these people come from the educated class of the society. Today we will tell you one such time travel story, in which a professor has claimed that the coming time will be the golden age. Who made the claim Paul Amadeus was…

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A man returned after seeing the world 2000 years ahead! Claimed – ‘The golden age will return after the darkness, there will be no worry or fear’

A man returned after seeing the world 2000 years ahead! Claimed – ‘The golden age will return after the darkness, there will be no worry or fear’

Who doesn’t want to know about future events? This is the reason why many people have been making claims about the coming time. Some people claim to have divine powers, while some claim to accurately predict a person’s future through astrological calculations. Time travelers are now included among such people, who claim to go ahead in time. These events are not just happening today but have been happening since long. One such person had presented a complete list of upcoming events to the world. Till now the claims were only…

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