A child came from Mars! Made such claims that even scientists were surprised to hear them, but where is he now?

The world is dreaming of settling on Mars. Meanwhile, a child’s claim has created a sensation. He says that he has come from Mars. He has been ‘reborn’ and has been sent to Earth to give a terrifying warning. He told such things about Mars and Earth that even scientists were stunned. However, after making strange claims, he mysteriously disappeared. A lot of search was done, but he was not found. Now once again he is in the headlines. People are asking where is he? You will also be surprised…

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Has the person really seen the world of 150 years ago? Showed such proof that people were shocked, connection with iPhone

iPhone is one of the most liked mobile phones. But if someone tells you that there was an iPhone even 150 years ago, will you believe it? Probably not. What if a photograph is shown as evidence? You will definitely be surprised. Something similar is happening on social media. A picture is going viral. In this 150 year old painting, a woman is shown using an iPhone. Art lovers are surprised to see this. Because it has been made by a person who believes in time travel. But let us…

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