Hands and feet become numb, heart rate increases, so be careful, there is a deficiency of this vitamin.

Vitamin B12: Vitamins play an important role in keeping the body healthy. Due to their deficiency the body becomes victim of many problems. Every vitamin has its own function. Lack of even one can create problems. Vitamin B12 is also very important for health. Its deficiency can cause tingling, numbness in hands and feet, increased heart beat, skin related problems and many other side effects. Therefore, Vitamin B12 should be taken in abundance in food. Vitamin B12 deficiency Tingling in hands and feet and frequent fatigue can be caused by…

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Tingling in hands and feet causes big problem know precautions

The problem of tingling in hands and feet has been observed in most of the people. This is a common problem, but when it starts happening daily then it becomes a matter of concern. Frequent tingling in the body can be a sign of diseases. There are many reasons due to which tingling occurs. Today in this report we will tell you what could be the reasons for tingling in hands and feet. Know the reasons for this Sometimes it feels like ants crawling on hands and feet or like…

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