bank rules for torn currency notes exchange know how can avail the facility

Torn Currency Note Exchange Process: The need for cash can arise anytime. That is why people withdraw money from banks and ATMs. Sometimes torn notes are also found in them. Sometimes notes kept in homes for a long time also get torn. When you go to a shop or anywhere else to buy something with such notes, you are not able to get the goods due to the torn notes. For this, it is necessary that you exchange your torn notes. Many people may not know that you can exchange…

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Can a note be changed even if it has four pieces? this is the rule

Most people tear notes by mistake. Many times, while withdrawing money from ATM, some notes get torn. Most people remain troubled by this. Many times people go to the market for shopping with torn notes but shopkeepers refuse to accept them. In such situations, people throw away these notes. If you also have a lot of torn notes, then do not throw them away considering them useless, now you can exchange these torn notes. Use of old torn notes If you find these torn notes If you want to change…

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What are the RBI rules for exchanging mutilated notes and how many notes can you exchange at one time? know

Generally, while buying vegetables in the market or purchasing any other thing, we usually come across mutilated notes. Many times the note gets cut or torn by mistake on our part. Sometimes there is a mistake and the note gets burnt. In such a situation, that note cannot be circulated in the market. In such a situation, you can get that note exchanged in RBI. According to the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India, no bank can refuse to exchange your notes. So let us know what are its rules.…

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