This desi sweet is associated with ancient tradition, does not spoil for months, tastes amazing – News18 Hindi

Sanandan Upadhyay/Ballia: You must have tasted many sweets, but the desi sweet we will talk about today not only tastes amazing but also has a strange name. This desi sweet, which does not spoil for months, has great importance especially in marriages. This sweet associated with ancient tradition attracts everyone’s mind. Yes, we are talking about Khajuli sweets. This sweet has its own identity. This desi sweet is very popular during the wedding season. According to shopkeeper Laxman Gupta, one has to go through a long process to make this…

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The coming weather was known from the water in a pot, know what the weather will be like this time – News18 Hindi

Nikhil Swami/Bikaner. Bikaner’s Holi is different from the rest in the whole world. There are hundreds of years of traditions here, which the city residents are still following today. Although science has progressed a lot and information about weather is available through many new technologies. Apart from this, even today in Bikaner, people predict the weather using old methods instead of science. It may sound strange but it is true that people here predict the weather from the water of the pot, what kind of weather will be in the…

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In Japan, if a girl asks for a shirt button from a boy, what does it mean, this is the sign.

All countries have their own culture. Like India, the culture and customs of Japan are also considered ancient. Not only this, people from other countries also go to see many cultural traditions of Japan. But today we are going to tell you about a special tradition of Japan. In Japan, to express love, girls ask boys for shirt buttons. Today we will tell you what is the meaning behind asking for a shirt button in Japan.  Expression of love  Every person The way of expressing love is different. But the…

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