Vande Bharat Express Lost Luggage Compensation know the complete process

Vande Bharat Express Lost Luggage Compensation know the complete process

Vande Bharat Express Lost Luggage Compensation: Indian Railways is the fourth largest railway system in the world. Crores of passengers travel by railway every day. For whom Indian Railways runs thousands of trains. Indian Railways has made many rules for traveling by train. Every passenger traveling in a train has to follow these rules. Where there are many rules to monitor the passengers. So there are many rules for the convenience of the passengers. One of these rules is regarding lost luggage. India’s fastest train is Vande Bharat Express. If…

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railway rule for transferring confirm seat to another person in train know the details

railway rule for transferring confirm seat to another person in train know the details

Train Rules For Transfer Confirm Seat: Most people in India prefer to travel by train rather than flight. People get many facilities while traveling by train. And if the journey is of long distance then there is a lot of convenience also. Normally when people travel by train. So they make reservations in advance. So that they do not have to face any trouble during the journey. But sometimes it happens that suddenly some important work comes up. Because of which people have to cancel their journey at the last…

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indian railways rules for liquor know how much liquor can you carry with yourself during travel

indian railways rules for liquor know how much liquor can you carry with yourself during travel

Indian Railway Rules For Liquor: Crores of people in India drink alcohol. According to statistics, an average Indian citizen drinks 4.9 liters of alcohol in a year. The laws regarding alcohol are very strict in India. For example, you cannot drive after drinking alcohol. You cannot go to office after drinking alcohol. This question also comes in the mind of many people regarding alcohol. Can you carry alcohol while traveling? Are there rules for carrying alcohol during train travel? What can be the punishment if the rules are broken? So…

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trains have luggage rules just like flights know how much weight is allowed in trains

trains have luggage rules just like flights know how much weight is allowed in trains

Railway Luggage Rules: Crores of passengers travel by train every day in India. Indian Railways operates thousands of trains for this purpose. Some rules have been made by the Railways for the passengers traveling by train, which they have to follow. Many of these rules are such that all the passengers know, while there are some rules about which passengers generally do not know. One such rule of railways is similar to the rule of flights. Just like you have to pay extra money for carrying excess weight in flights,…

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railway rules for use of middle berth in train know when you can use it

railway rules for use of middle berth in train know when you can use it

Middle Berth Train Rules: Indian Railways is the fourth largest rail system in the world. About 2.5 crore passengers travel in Indian Railways every day. This number of passengers is equal to the population of a country like Australia. If we look at the last few years, there has been a lot of improvement in Indian Railways. There has been a lot of improvement in the platforms and trains built at the railway station. Generally, if someone has to travel a short distance, people prefer to travel by train. This…

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Railway Rules after 10 PM you have to follow these rules at night also applicable on TTE

Railway Rules after 10 PM you have to follow these rules at night also applicable on TTE

Railway Rules: We have to take care of many things while traveling by train, many such rules have been made by the Railways which all the passengers have to follow. Lakhs of people travel by train every day and they know most of the rules, but there are many such rules about which very few people know. Today, in our IRCTC Rules series, we are telling you about some such rules. Today we will talk about the rules which are applicable in the train after 10 pm, it tells what…

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If you have got a middle berth in the train, till what time can you sleep? this is the rule

If you have got a middle berth in the train, till what time can you sleep?  this is the rule

To travel long distances in India, people prefer to travel by train. Indian trains now provide world class facilities. Indian Railways has made a lot of progress in the last few years. In India, around 2.5 crore passengers travel through trains every day. Some rules were made by Indian Railways for the passengers traveling by train. In which there is also a rule regarding middle berth. If you are traveling in middle berth. So it is important for you also to know this rule. Otherwise your sleep will be disturbed. β€¦

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Can’t TTE check train tickets after 10 pm and before 6 am? Know the rules of railways

Can’t TTE check train tickets after 10 pm and before 6 am?  Know the rules of railways

When someone has to travel a long distance in India. So usually people turn to the train. Train travel is comfortable and good. Talking about Indian Railways, about 2.5 crore people travel in trains every day. Indian Railways is the fourth largest railway system in the world. You too must have traveled by train many times in your life. You must have seen many times that some people board the train without a ticket. And when  When TTE comes to check the tickets, he catches them. But you know the…

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What action can be taken by Railways for traveling without ticket

What action can be taken by Railways for traveling without ticket

It is very important to have a ticket while traveling by train. If someone does not do this then Railways can take action against them. Many times there are reports of action by Railways, but do you know what action can be taken by the Railway Police if you travel without a ticket. If not then let us know. What action can Railways take if train ticket is not taken?Let us tell you that if a person is caught traveling by train without a ticket, then according to the railway…

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Indian Railway Helpline Number What To Do If My Purse Lost In Train Know Here

Indian Railway Helpline Number What To Do If My Purse Lost In Train Know Here

Indian Railway Helpline: If it ever happens that you are traveling in a train and suddenly your purse falls from the train, what will you do? If you are thinking that by pulling the train chain, you will stop the train and pick up the purse, then let us tell you that it is a legal offense to stop the train by pulling the alarm chain. If you do this, then you may also have to pay a fine for this crime. Even jail time may have to be eaten.…

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