What is this transparent wood Can glass really be made from wood

What is this transparent wood Can glass really be made from wood

How fast science is progressing can be gauged from the fact that now science can convert wood into glass through technology. That is, the wood is made in such a way that it looks like glass. Let us know how scientists are doing this and what is the reason behind it. What will happen with transparent wood? A description on this has been given by Lars Berglund, a researcher at Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and researchers at the University of Maryland (UM). In which he has told how…

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Transparent Wood Your Smartphone Screen Could Be Made Out Of It

Transparent Wood Your Smartphone Screen Could Be Made Out Of It

At present, the screens of all the mobile phones that we have are made of glass or plastic. There is a huge market for smartphone screens which is expanding further due to increasing smartphone demand. New innovations are also taking place in this industry. In the coming times, you may see displays made of wood on mobile phones. Actually, researchers are working on transparent wood which can replace glass and plastic. Let us tell you, researchers have been working on transparent wood for a long time. A report in Scientific…

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