That railway station of India, whose name is made up of 28 letters, you may miss your train while trying to read it!

That railway station of India, whose name is made up of 28 letters, you may miss your train while trying to read it!

The experience of travelling by railway in India is very special for everyone. Here, railway is not just a means of transport, but is like a lifeline for every person, which helps both the rich and the poor to reach their destination. While travelling by train, there are many railway stations in between. Some are small, some are big, whose names people remember. But there is a railway station in India, whose name will take you a lot of time to remember. If you are new to this station (Railway…

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Why does a clock make a ticking sound? This question was asked, do you know the correct answer?

Why does a clock make a ticking sound? This question was asked, do you know the correct answer?

Now is the era of smart and digital watches. But still many people like to wear watches that tick. They are smart, their design looks quite antique and attracts people. You must have heard the ticking sound in most of these watches. But have you ever wondered why the ticking sound comes in the watch? This question was asked on social media, to which an expert has answered. Animesh Kumar Sinha, who claimed to be an engineer in the Indian Railways, wrote, “In fact, this is the sound of two…

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What is this ‘Damri’ in ‘Chhadi jaye Dumri na jaye’? Everyone says it, but hardly anyone knows it…

What is this ‘Damri’ in ‘Chhadi jaye Dumri na jaye’? Everyone says it, but hardly anyone knows it…

Proverbs and sayings are an important part of our lives. Every fourth or fifth thing, you must have heard elders saying either local proverbs or idioms and sayings. These proverbs are also related to our daily life and they have some history. Today we will talk about one such proverb, which people use a lot. If we talk about some popular proverbs, we all have heard the proverb ‘Chhamdi jaaye Dumri na jaaye’. You might have used it many times but do you know what is the meaning of ‘Dumri’…

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What is the use of the small fans on the aircraft engine, why are they inclined downwards? Know Amazing Facts

What is the use of the small fans on the aircraft engine, why are they inclined downwards?  Know Amazing Facts

If you sit on the seats near the wings and engines of the plane, you too must have seen a lot of interesting things on the wings and engines. One of these are small wings mounted on the engine of the aircraft, which are inclined downwards. Sometimes a ‘No Step’ warning is also written at this place. But have you ever wondered what their job is? Why are they inclined downwards? An aviation expert has told about this, which is very interesting. These small fans are installed on the side…

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